The Landscape Committee (LC) is composed of appointed students, faculty, and staff representatives, as well as local landscaping/ nursery professionals and landscape architects. The LC provides input regarding landscape design and plant selection to project architects and campus decision-makers. The committee makes recommendations to University stakeholders, although it is not itself a decision-making body.
The Landscape Committee (LC) is composed of appointed students, faculty, and staff representatives, as well as local landscaping/ nursery professionals and landscape architects. It provides recommendations and insight to University stakeholders regarding landscape design and plant selection, specifically functionality, aesthetics, suitability, and biodiversity.
For new construction or major renovation projects, the Landscape Committee acts as a subcommittee of the Design Review Committee (DRC). The LC also acts as a stand-alone committee with the role and responsibility of providing landscape recommendations for small scale maintenance or new installation projects.
The Landscape Committee is responsible for assisting the campus in developing a landscape palette that addresses the educational mission of the campus by providing a living teaching collection, while respecting the native vegetation within which the campus is located and assuring sustainability to the greatest degree possible. The LC will serve in an advisory capacity to the Campus Design Review Committee on matters pertaining to the landscape involved in the construction of new buildings and renovation of existing buildings. It will also provide oversight of the structure and composition of the campus flora, recommending the composition of new and replacement plantings in the context of the campus planting plan.
Staff Member (Chris Kelsey, Facilities Management Director)
Faculty Member (Susan Mazer, EEMB)
1 - Consulting landscape architect (Derrik Eichelberger, Arcadia Studio)
1 - Local nursery manager/owner (VACANT)
1 - Faculty representative knowledgeable in botany, horticulture, or similar disciplines (Greg Wahlert, ERI)
1 - Honorary advisor (Bruce Tiffany)
1 - Biological Sciences Greenhouse Manager (Cameron Hannah-Bick)
1 - Representative from Design & Construction Services (Perrin Pellegrin, Project Manager)
1 - Representative from Campus Planning (Shari Hammond)
1 - Representatives from the Cheadle Center for Biological & Ecological Restoration (Katja Seltmann, Director, CCBER)
1 - Undergraduate student representative (Jack Johnson, Associated Students)
1 - Graduate student representative (Taft Crowley, Graduate Student Association)
1 - UCSB Facilities Management Landscape staff (Matthew O’Carroll)
1 - UCSB Residential Operations Landscape staff (Manuel Herrera)
The LC serves as an advisory body to the DRC through its capacity as a subcommittee of the DRC. The LC provides recommendations to the DRC on capital projects, including landscaping. The committee also advises Design, Facilities & Safety Services, and Housing, Dining, & Auxiliary Enterprises on matters pertaining to the upkeep, removal, and replacement of existing plantings.
The Landscape Committee is a consensus-based committee. The committee members provide comments, feedback, and recommendations for projects. The committee makes decisions based on consensus as determined by the co-chairs and in consultation with maintenance staff.
Meetings will be preceded by the distribution of an agenda with supporting materials.
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