UC Santa Barbara (UCSB) is the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for matters of code regulations on University projects. UCSB complies with the California Code of Regulations T24 (CCR T24) and all amendments. Each UC Campus acts as a "local jurisdiction" complete with its own Building Official and locally administered Code Compliance Program (similar to building officials in city or county jurisdictions).
All facilities owned, leased, designed, constructed, altered, or renovated to support the mission of UCSB are under the jurisdiction of the AHJ and each Campus shall have a Code Compliance Program to design, approve, construct, alter, renovate, inspect, and maintain its facilities in accordance with all applicable codes and regulations, and University policies. Codes and regulations include the CCR T24 as adopted by the University of California, as well as any applicable federal, state, and local agency regulations and legislation. The Code Compliance Program applies to all activities at UC Santa Barbara that are subject to building codes and other related regulatory compliance, regardless of funding source, party overseeing construction, project delivery method or the ownership status of the improvements.
When the University leases property to a separate entity and/or enters into ground leases or Public Private Partnership (P3’s) agreements, the University continues to act as the AHJ. Campuses must identify the AHJ in such agreements and contracts.
Each Campus’s program shall include an appointed Designated Campus Building Official (DCBO), Certified Building Official (CBO), and a Lead Designated Campus Fire Marshal (Lead DCFM). Roles are outlined below. The program shall have effective processes for code and regulatory consultation, plan review, permitting, inspection and final acceptance in accordance with code and UC Policies.
For more detail, reference UC Facilities Manual Code and Regulatory Compliance Volume 3, Chapter 4.
The DCBO is the AHJ for UC Santa Barbara and is charged with administering the UCSB Design and Construction program, including the enforcement of the CCR T24 and all laws and University policies related to facility design and construction services. The DCBO role is appointed by the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services and is recognized by UCOP in that capacity.
The UCSB DCBO has delegated direct oversight of CCR T24 to the Certified Building Official.
The CBO as delegated by the DCBO, is appointed by the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services and is recognized by UCOP in that capacity. CBO’s are responsible for the administration of a functional building department, interpretation of code requirements, and direction of the code process. CBOs also ensure that fire and life safety requirements are reviewed by the Designated Campus Fire Marshal (DCFM),
The CBO is responsible for oversight of CCR T24, Parts 1-12 and its amendments (aka CBSC/California Building Standards Code)
- Part 1 – Administrative Code
- Part 2 – Building Code
- Part 3 - Electrical Code
- Part 4 – Mechanical Code
- Part 5 – Plumbing Code
- Part 6 – Energy Code
- Part 7 – Not Used Formerly Elevator Code, now moved to Title 8
- Part 8 – Historic Building Code
- Part 9 – Fire Code
- Part 10 – Existing Building Code
- Part 11 – Green Building Code
- Part 12 – Reference Standards
The DCFM is authorized by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) and UCOP for compliance of the OSFM’s CCR T24 responsibilities. Through the MOU the OSFM delegates responsibility for oversight of fire and life safety regulations to the Designated Campus Fire Marshal. The DCFM is recognized by UCOP and the OSFM in that capacity.